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Banking & Prozesse
15.05.2018 | 12:18 UhrVerifizierte Bewertung - powered by eKomiVerifiziert
The website is completely in German language. I dont understand german language at all. Every time I need to translate the text or web page information in english before using it. I request you to make an option of English language available as it is with you complet card credit card website. This is a basic nessesity for you to expand your customer base beyond german speaking customers.
The website is completely in German language. I dont understand german language at all. Every time I need to translate the text or web page information in english before using it. I request you to make an option of English language available as it is with you complet card credit card website. This is a basic nessesity for you to expand your customer base beyond german speaking customers.
Würde Produkt weiterempfehlen
Würde Bank weiterempfehlen